Communication in the universities of Constantine and M’Sila. Processing of Landsat scenes in the region of Constantine.
Presentation and use of the FLEGT Watch Web application and the FLEGT Watch App smartphone application. Practice of a field mission. Photo-interpretation of Sentinel radar and optical images to detect forest cover changes and deforestation.
Platform for agriculture and irrigation Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Yaoundé / Douala (Cameroon), Kumasi (Ghana), Kinshasa / Kisangani / Yangambi (DRC)
Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Yaoundé / Douala (Cameroon), Kumasi (Ghana), Kinshasa / Kisangani / Yangambi (DRC)
Envisat with HEDAVI, Sentinel with VtWeb, Thematic studies, Use of SNAP, Use of Google Earth Engine.
Sentinel data access and processing tools AfriGEOSS (Sunyani, Ghana)
AfriGEOSS (Sunyani, Ghana)
Control of knowledge and upgrading in a framework of "open and distance learning" (FOAD project of the AUF).
Remote sensing and image processing Douala University (Cameroon)
Douala University (Cameroon)
School of Cadastre of the National Institute of Cartography (INC) in Libreville. Reminders of geodesy and space mechanics. Detailed presentation of geocoding and orthorectification algorithms for optical and radar Earth observation images.
Spatial geometry algorithms INP (Gabon)
INP (Gabon)
Advanced courses and practical work ArcGIS TNTmips for the implementation of a GIS "Risk Management", the processing of optical and radar images, the use of digital terrain models and the production of thematic maps by the Forestry Department of Myanmar.
Remote sensing and GIS for risk mapping UNEP
Image processing: physics, instruments, pseudo colours and colour compositions, statistics, LUT transformation, filtering, merging - "Georeferencing": geodesy, reference frames, global deformations, spatial mechanics, image products, optical and radar orthorectification.
Image Processing" and "Georeferencing" courses TOTAL
Geometry of remote sensing images Algerian Universities
Algerian Universities
Training of Venezuelan oil executives in the acquisition, processing and interpretation of Earth observation data.
Course on Remote Sensing Applied to Petroleum Exploration BEICIP / PDVSA
In collaboration with the University of Marne-la-Vallée and with the support of the European Space Agency, VisioTerra has designed a GIS of Palestine that has been presented to the universities of Al-Quds, Nablus and Hebron.
Training Remote Sensing and GIS in Palestine ESA / Palestine Universities
ESA / Palestine Universities