Software development

VisioTerra is an expert in software development. Many applications have been developed: client-server, Android, Java standalone. VtWeb is a free access software platform to inventory / process / visualize / share / export Earth observation, meteorological, climate, biogeophysical, socio-economic data. VisioTerra uses VtWeb to rapidly develop platforms adapted to the needs of new projects.

The client-server applications derived from VtWeb allow users to take advantage of the hardware infrastructure set up in VisioTerra’s premises : 6 servers, 1+ Po of disk space, 1 Gb/s symmetrical fibre optics. Some servers are dedicated to the synchronization with data producers to manage the catalogs, others execute the geoservices by watching for the passage of satellites over the areas to be monitored. The main objectives are to guarantee data supply, respond in real time to user requests, and offer the most advanced techniques for calculating indicators from images.

VisioTerra has invested heavily in the processing of data on the fly. A language has been invented, the POF-ML

The Android applications developed for smartphones allow maps, images, events detected and then to go into the field, even without an Internet connection to capture photos / videos / interviews. Upon returning from these field missions, the observer can share his observations with his community and edit reports.


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